26. DNA Tests and Family Secrets Exposed with Lindsay Blount


Today’s guest, Lindsay Blount, recently had her identity completely uprooted after she took a 23&Me DNA test during the pandemic and found out some shocking news. Lindsay learned she was donor conceived and that she could have up to 100 siblings throughout the United States…

In the last year, Lindsay has taken a deep dive into identity and its meaning down to the root. She challenges everyone to consider identity as something that is not a fixed part of your being, rather it is something you can learn and relearn. 

Today, Lindsay is a doctoral student, a photographer, and she is also writing her first book on identity shake ups. She hopes her story will inspire everyone to rip out the roots of their own identity and start creating a more true and authentic one.

In this episode we talk about:

  • 23&Me and DNA tests

  • Donor conception / donor conceived children

  • How your identity is not fixed

  • Not knowing who your biological parents are

  • Nature vs. nurture

  • Family trees and ancestry

Podcast Resources:

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Connect with Lindsay Blount: Twitter and Instagram

Connect with Jenelle Tremblett: HERE

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Olga Kolgusheva

Olga is a web designer & copywriter with a passion for clean editorial type, irregular grids, and monochromatic looks.


27. Life After Rape with Amelia Zachry


25. Does Your Upbringing Determine Your Future? with Nelson Tressler