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On this podcast we chat relationships, mental health, career pivots, family dramas, childhood traumas, and more. We want to show you that no matter what life throws at you, you will come out stronger than before.
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142. You Make Your Path By Walking: Navigating Loss, Betrayal, and Grief with Suzanne Anderson
Suzanne Anderson discusses pivotal moments in her life, including her career choices and her husband's tragic suicide while she was writing her second book. Suzanne emphasizes the importance of embracing all emotions during times of grief and the significance of rituals as a bridge between the conscious and unconscious mind.
141. Healing Trauma to Embrace Spiritual Awakening: A Journey of Self-Love and Growth with Jana Wilson
In this enlightening podcast episode, the host sits down with Jana Wilson, a remarkable healer and author, to explore her incredible journey from childhood trauma to becoming a beacon of healing and inspiration. Through candid conversations, Jana shares her profound experiences, including her spiritual awakening at a young age, her exploration of metaphysical teachings, and her deep connection with her inner child.
140. How Dating Apps Negatively Affect My Mental Health with Jenelle Tremblett
Jenelle delves into the challenges and negative experiences she encountered during the past few weeks on dating apps. She shares the disappointment she felt after a series of unsuccessful dates, where she experienced a lack of connection, respect, and shared interests with her matches. She candidly discusses the toll that these experiences took on her mental health, leading her to question her self-worth and confidence.
139. Orphaned At 14, Finding Strength, and Making Mindset Shifts with Efia Sulter
After being orphaned at 14, Efia Sulter desperately wanted to live a normal life but the older she got she realized normal wasn’t going to cut it… she wanted more. Efia went from battling chronic illness, anxiety + depression, to moving overseas from Scotland to Australia and manifesting her extraordinary life.
138. Rewiring Your Brain To Break Relationship Patterns with Adele Spraggon
This episode introduces the concept of re-patterning in relationships, emphasizing self-care, understanding the brain's functioning, and taking responsibility for patterns to foster positive changes and healthier connections with others.
137. Work Stress, Difficult Clients, and Chemistry vs. Compatibility with Jenelle Tremblett
Jenelle reflects on the various work-related challenges she has faced recently. She shares a particularly difficult experience with a client who became angry and disrespectful towards her, leading to a stressful situation that affected her emotionally. Jenelle also shares her thoughts on chemistry vs. compatibility in her dating life.
136. The Power of Hypnosis: Transforming Lives and Building Confidence with Elisa Reale
Elisa shares how hypnosis transformed her mindset and helped her overcome limiting beliefs that were holding her back. After witnessing the positive impact it had on her and her friends and family, she began to build a business as a Hypnotherapist.
135. Discovering Digital Nomad Life and Escaping The 9-5 with Jordana Abitbol
Jordana shares her journey of pursuing her dreams and making a major life change. She explains that her desire to travel and have a remote job led her to take her aspirations seriously.
134. Leaving Corporate Law, Loneliness of Entrepreneurship, and Finding Deeper Purpose with Stephanie Chan
Stephanie Chan, a former lawyer embarked on a challenging path of leaving a stable 10-year legal career to pursue her entrepreneurial dreams. Stephanie candidly shares the hurdles she faced during those initial years—self-doubt, emotional struggles, and financial stress—experiences often unspoken but familiar to many entrepreneurs.
133. Portugal: Solo Travel, Romance, and Manifesting My Future Life with Jenelle Tremblett
Jenelle shares her experiences and insights from her recent solo trip to Portugal. She discusses why she chose Portugal, the affordable flight deal she found, and highlights the safety of Portugal for female solo travellers.
132. Unjust Layoffs, Reclaiming Your Power, and Closing The Gender Equity Gap with Jennifer Hargreaves
Jennifer was laid off from her job at four months pregnant. A cruel joke by her employer about her desire to start a family turned into a harsh reality, leaving her feeling powerless and in a state of confusion and doubt. But, after a few years, Jennifer created a new narrative about what was possible for her in her career and life.
131. Transformative Life Lessons from My 20s with Jenelle Tremblett
As Jenelle turns 30, she delves into the valuable lessons she learned during her transformative 20s. This decade is often regarded as a time of self-discovery, growth, and laying the foundation for a successful future. Jenelle shares stories of what she's learned about friends, relationships, careers, and even herself.
130. The Power of Tenacity: From Troubled Youth to Self-Made Entrepreneur and Philanthropist with Mike Murphy
Mike's journey began as a broke, desperate, divorced, alcoholic young man who knew he needed to make a change. Through his own experiences, Mike discovered the power of manifestation and the Law of Attraction. He used these tools to transform his life, and now he's passionate about helping others do the same.
129. Starting Over: How to Rewrite Your Story After Divorce with Tonya Carter
Tonya Carter shares how at age 30 she went through a divorce and became a single mom of two small kids. Her sense of identity and self-worth was shattered but she realized that in order to move forward she needed to reclaim the narrative.
128. Hustle Culture, Resentment, and The Pressure To Succeed with Jenelle Tremblett
In today's society, we are often told that success only comes to those who work the hardest, hustling and grinding every day to achieve their goals. But at what cost? In this episode, Jenelle shares her experience of hustle culture, the feelings of resentment it can create, and the intense pressure to succeed that many of us feel.
127. Rising from Two Layoffs: Navigating Self-Doubt and Finding New Passions with Joanna Tran
In November 2022, Joanna was impacted by the tech layoffs. This was her second layoff in her 7 year career due to no fault of her own. The news of the layoff was disappointing, but she recognized that she was starting to burn out, so maybe this layoff was meant to be.
126. Imposter Syndrome, Identity Crisis, and Paving Your Own Path with Lauren Felter
After following the path to traditional success but only finding intense burnout and an identity crisis at the top, Lauren Felter blew it all up in January 2020 to do it her own way.
125. From Student Loan Debt to Financial Freedom with Mark Willis
After graduating with six figures of student loan debt and watching everyone around him lose their retirement savings and home equity in 2008, Mark discovered a way to turn his debt into real wealth.
124. Morning Routines, Habit Stacking, and Getting My Life Organized with Jenelle Tremblett
Jenelle shares how she's making some big changes and getting more structured with her daily habits and routines. Because of this, she's feeling so much more productive and has been able to set and achieve more of her goals.
123. Life Pivots, Breakups, and Listening To Your Gut with Kelsey Formost
Kelsey talks about ending a long term relationship, switching careers multiple times, and feeling burnout in her life. She did many months of soul searching and therapy to cure her people pleasing and codependency.
“I am a big fan of this podcast. It’s refreshing to listen to a podcast that not only provides entertainment, but gives a thoughtful look at many of the issues that a lot of us face throughout our life.”

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Each week, I will show you how to build that positive mindset, radiate with self confidence, and cultivate and unshakeable resilience. Let me prove to you that even when life ebbs, you will glow.
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Pressures of People Pleasing, Social Media, and Past Trauma with Rachel Anderson
After a tough relationship breakup, Rachel decided she wasn't going to do this anymore. She wasn't going to keep people pleasing and being what everyone else wanted me her be. She finally wanted to figure out who she was and find her voice
Breakups, Moving Condos, and What I Want in 2022 with Jenelle Tremblett
A break up and moving condos all in the same month? And right before the holidays? Host, Jenelle Tremblett shares her recent life updates and also everything she's focused on in 2022.
Ending an Engagement with Alyssa Buckley
Alyssa called offer her engagement after years of doubting her own feelings. She believed her feelings were invalid due to living with anxiety. Fast forward a year later, Alyssa is married, but to someone else. What felt like courage to Alyssa as she began her knew life, instead, it was met with a lot of criticism.