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On this podcast we chat relationships, mental health, career pivots, family dramas, childhood traumas, and more. We want to show you that no matter what life throws at you, you will come out stronger than before.
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140. How Dating Apps Negatively Affect My Mental Health with Jenelle Tremblett
Jenelle delves into the challenges and negative experiences she encountered during the past few weeks on dating apps. She shares the disappointment she felt after a series of unsuccessful dates, where she experienced a lack of connection, respect, and shared interests with her matches. She candidly discusses the toll that these experiences took on her mental health, leading her to question her self-worth and confidence.
137. Work Stress, Difficult Clients, and Chemistry vs. Compatibility with Jenelle Tremblett
Jenelle reflects on the various work-related challenges she has faced recently. She shares a particularly difficult experience with a client who became angry and disrespectful towards her, leading to a stressful situation that affected her emotionally. Jenelle also shares her thoughts on chemistry vs. compatibility in her dating life.
133. Portugal: Solo Travel, Romance, and Manifesting My Future Life with Jenelle Tremblett
Jenelle shares her experiences and insights from her recent solo trip to Portugal. She discusses why she chose Portugal, the affordable flight deal she found, and highlights the safety of Portugal for female solo travellers.
131. Transformative Life Lessons from My 20s with Jenelle Tremblett
As Jenelle turns 30, she delves into the valuable lessons she learned during her transformative 20s. This decade is often regarded as a time of self-discovery, growth, and laying the foundation for a successful future. Jenelle shares stories of what she's learned about friends, relationships, careers, and even herself.
128. Hustle Culture, Resentment, and The Pressure To Succeed with Jenelle Tremblett
In today's society, we are often told that success only comes to those who work the hardest, hustling and grinding every day to achieve their goals. But at what cost? In this episode, Jenelle shares her experience of hustle culture, the feelings of resentment it can create, and the intense pressure to succeed that many of us feel.
124. Morning Routines, Habit Stacking, and Getting My Life Organized with Jenelle Tremblett
Jenelle shares how she's making some big changes and getting more structured with her daily habits and routines. Because of this, she's feeling so much more productive and has been able to set and achieve more of her goals.
120. Costa Rica: What I Learned From Solo Travel with Jenelle Tremblett
Jenelle chats all things solo travel and her recent trip to Costa Rica! She shares what she would change, amazing core memories, and how her trip changed her life perspective moving forward.
116. Magnetic 2023: Goal Setting + Vision Boards with Jenelle Tremblett
Jenelle chats about her goals and vision for 2023 with the theme of the year being MAGNETIC. Some goals include better time management, being mindful of who she is spending time with, and an ambitious real estate income goal.
112. Holiday Survival Guide with Jenelle Tremblett
Jenelle chats about her triggers around the holiday season and what stresses her out each year. These include pressures to spend money and expectations from family. She shares her advice and wisdom on what helps her manage these stresses.
108. 5 Reasons I Need To Go To Therapy with Jenelle Tremblett
Jenelle shares vulnerably about what's triggering her lately and how she feels she needs to really explore therapy in order to get to the root of it all.
104. You Can’t Say The Wrong Thing To The Right Person with Jenelle Tremblett
Jenelle shares dating updates and why she's taking future romantic relationships extremely slow. She also chats about feeling overwhelmed lately, upcoming travel plans, and why her real estate business is growing.
100. My Journey To 100 Episodes with Jenelle Tremblett
Jenelle celebrates her journey of podcasting over the past two years and reaching the milestone episode 100. She shares what she’s learned about herself, the mistakes she’s made, and the importance of getting started on your dreams.
96. What Energy Are You Bringing To Your Life Everyday? with Jenelle Tremblett
Jenelle chats about the importance of setting an intention with one word and allowing the rest of your day to embody that energy. She shares how using this tactic set the tone for a recent girls trip that made the trip extremely enjoyable and memorable for everyone.
92. Detachment, Friendship Changes, and TikTok Crushes with Jenelle Tremblett
Jenelle shares how she is embodying detachment in dating, the changes within her friendships, and what she's noticing about her Tiktok crushes.
87. Quitting Jobs and Confidently Changing Careers with Jenelle Tremblett
Jenelle chats about when she has quit jobs and moved cities with very little money and no job prospects. She shares her tips on having courage and confidence when making changes in your life.
83. Feeling Burn Out In My Career and Ready For Hot Girl Summer with Jenelle Tremblett
Career burnout, it happens to all of us. And host, Jenelle Tremblett chats about why it's happening to her and what she is doing to get her spark back. Jenelle also gives us dating updates and her thoughts on hot girl summer.
79. 28 Life Lessons From Age 28 with Jenelle Tremblett
In honor of Jenelle turning 29, she shares all the life lessons she learned during the age of 28. Some of the main lessons include, "judgement is a reflection on how you feel about yourself", and many more.
76. 8 Ways to Overcome Sadness and Boost Your Mood with Jenelle Tremblett
Jenelle shares her tips on how to overcome any sadness you're experiencing and how to boost your mood. Some tips include journaling, calling friends, and making set plans in your calendar to have something to look forward to.
72. Rejection or Redirection? Reframing Your Mindset with Jenelle Tremblett
Jenelle shares her recent career and dating highs and lows. She chats self worth, deciding who your perfect client is, and allowing people to self select out of your life. She also shows how powerful your mind can be in changing the narrative of your current situation.
65. Breakups, Moving Condos, and What I Want in 2022 with Jenelle Tremblett
A break up and moving condos all in the same month? And right before the holidays? Host, Jenelle Tremblett shares her recent life updates and also everything she's focused on in 2022.
“I am a big fan of this podcast. It’s refreshing to listen to a podcast that not only provides entertainment, but gives a thoughtful look at many of the issues that a lot of us face throughout our life.”

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Pressures of People Pleasing, Social Media, and Past Trauma with Rachel Anderson
After a tough relationship breakup, Rachel decided she wasn't going to do this anymore. She wasn't going to keep people pleasing and being what everyone else wanted me her be. She finally wanted to figure out who she was and find her voice
Breakups, Moving Condos, and What I Want in 2022 with Jenelle Tremblett
A break up and moving condos all in the same month? And right before the holidays? Host, Jenelle Tremblett shares her recent life updates and also everything she's focused on in 2022.
Ending an Engagement with Alyssa Buckley
Alyssa called offer her engagement after years of doubting her own feelings. She believed her feelings were invalid due to living with anxiety. Fast forward a year later, Alyssa is married, but to someone else. What felt like courage to Alyssa as she began her knew life, instead, it was met with a lot of criticism.