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On this podcast we chat relationships, mental health, career pivots, family dramas, childhood traumas, and more. We want to show you that no matter what life throws at you, you will come out stronger than before.
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139. Orphaned At 14, Finding Strength, and Making Mindset Shifts with Efia Sulter
After being orphaned at 14, Efia Sulter desperately wanted to live a normal life but the older she got she realized normal wasn’t going to cut it… she wanted more. Efia went from battling chronic illness, anxiety + depression, to moving overseas from Scotland to Australia and manifesting her extraordinary life.
136. The Power of Hypnosis: Transforming Lives and Building Confidence with Elisa Reale
Elisa shares how hypnosis transformed her mindset and helped her overcome limiting beliefs that were holding her back. After witnessing the positive impact it had on her and her friends and family, she began to build a business as a Hypnotherapist.
132. Unjust Layoffs, Reclaiming Your Power, and Closing The Gender Equity Gap with Jennifer Hargreaves
Jennifer was laid off from her job at four months pregnant. A cruel joke by her employer about her desire to start a family turned into a harsh reality, leaving her feeling powerless and in a state of confusion and doubt. But, after a few years, Jennifer created a new narrative about what was possible for her in her career and life.
129. Starting Over: How to Rewrite Your Story After Divorce with Tonya Carter
Tonya Carter shares how at age 30 she went through a divorce and became a single mom of two small kids. Her sense of identity and self-worth was shattered but she realized that in order to move forward she needed to reclaim the narrative.
127. Rising from Two Layoffs: Navigating Self-Doubt and Finding New Passions with Joanna Tran
In November 2022, Joanna was impacted by the tech layoffs. This was her second layoff in her 7 year career due to no fault of her own. The news of the layoff was disappointing, but she recognized that she was starting to burn out, so maybe this layoff was meant to be.
125. From Student Loan Debt to Financial Freedom with Mark Willis
After graduating with six figures of student loan debt and watching everyone around him lose their retirement savings and home equity in 2008, Mark discovered a way to turn his debt into real wealth.
122. How To Go From Betrayal and Hating Men to Finding Epic Love Again with Natalia Murua
Natalia shares how she dealt with infidelity in her marriage and went through a divorce, to being extremely cynical about men and resigned about love, to happily married again.
120. Costa Rica: What I Learned From Solo Travel with Jenelle Tremblett
Jenelle chats all things solo travel and her recent trip to Costa Rica! She shares what she would change, amazing core memories, and how her trip changed her life perspective moving forward.
115. Change Your Mindset and Manifest Your Dream Life with Tedra Chanel
Tedra shares her set backs of homelessness, toxic relationships, and money blocks and describes how changing your mindset is the first step to changing your life.
113. Building Your Career and Not Wanting Children with Courtney Moulton
Courtney shares how she has never wanted to have children and how exhausting it is to be constantly asked about it. She also shares wins as a real estate agent and how she is focused on building her career right now.
111. Intrafamilial Sexual Abuse, Shame, and Silence with Perry Power
Perry Power shares how he was sexually abused as a child by his step-grandfather and how when he broke his silence, he learned that the sexual abuse was intrafamilial. Perry also shares about losing his father and how Perry lived a lot of his life wearing a mask.
106. Self Worth and Seeking Validation Outside Ourselves with Amanda Blau
In her early 20s, Amanda dealt with a lot of self doubt and unworthiness. At the time, she convinced herself that the world was against her and that she had to control everything around her in order to ensure her "safety".
105. Coming Out Later In Life, Grief, and Finding Love Again with Anne-Marie Zanzal
At age 52, Anne-Marie came out as a lesbian and at that time she was married to her now ex husband for 27 years. It was the hardest and the best thing she has ever done.
101. Recovering From a Toxic Workplace with Bianca Rhéaume
Bianca shares her experience working in toxic workplaces and having a micromanager. She shares how it affected her confidence and self worth, and what she had to do to recover and build herself back up again.
99. How To Stop Making Excuses and Start Trusting Yourself with Mallory Meyer
Mallory shares about her uncertainty moving from Toronto to Vancouver in 2018 and leaving her corporate job of 10+ years to be an entrepreneur.
98. Storytelling and Getting Out Of Your Comfort Zone with Robert Greeley
Robert shares his ups and downs of his career path into sports media and content creation. We chat making opportunities for yourself, growing your confidence, and what virality means to him on social media.
80. Entrepreneurship, Confidence, and Manifesting with Liz Salzman
Liz chats to us about the confidence she needed to take her photography business full time as well as the courage it took to open up her studio.
77. Accountability and Turning Your Stress Into Success with Bri Nichols
At 16 years old, Bri was pregnant and homeless. She shares how she redefined her stress and focused on what was in her control. In this episode, Bri inspires us with her persistence, resiliency, and how she continuously advocates for herself.
70. Self Love and Struggling With Confidence After Acne with Celine Harleaux
Celine shares how struggling with acne really rocked her confidence and self esteem. And how this led to a deep journey of self love and finding validation within yourself.
57. Being Brave, Making Changes in Life, and the Importance of Consistency with Liz Ellery
Elizabeth (Liz) Ellery shares her experience of having low self-esteem and the times she was most brave in life. She left her 9-5 to become an entrepreneur and also recently left London after 13+ years to move to a rural area.
“I am a big fan of this podcast. It’s refreshing to listen to a podcast that not only provides entertainment, but gives a thoughtful look at many of the issues that a lot of us face throughout our life.”

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Alyssa called offer her engagement after years of doubting her own feelings. She believed her feelings were invalid due to living with anxiety. Fast forward a year later, Alyssa is married, but to someone else. What felt like courage to Alyssa as she began her knew life, instead, it was met with a lot of criticism.