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On this podcast we chat relationships, mental health, career pivots, family dramas, childhood traumas, and more. We want to show you that no matter what life throws at you, you will come out stronger than before.
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138. Rewiring Your Brain To Break Relationship Patterns with Adele Spraggon
This episode introduces the concept of re-patterning in relationships, emphasizing self-care, understanding the brain's functioning, and taking responsibility for patterns to foster positive changes and healthier connections with others.
130. The Power of Tenacity: From Troubled Youth to Self-Made Entrepreneur and Philanthropist with Mike Murphy
Mike's journey began as a broke, desperate, divorced, alcoholic young man who knew he needed to make a change. Through his own experiences, Mike discovered the power of manifestation and the Law of Attraction. He used these tools to transform his life, and now he's passionate about helping others do the same.
121. Triggers, Ayahuasca, and Upleveling Your Life with Larry Medina
Larry shares his triggers around scarcity of money and how doing ayahuasca in Guatemala recently has helped him release those repressed limiting beliefs. With these changes, Larry is ready to up level to the next version of his life.
119. Alzheimer's Disease and Caring For Aging Parents with Rayna Neises
At age 16, Rayna began caring for both of her parents during their separate battles with Alzheimer’s over a thirty-year span. She chats how she had the strength to be a caregiver everyday, the importance of hiring a team for help, and the importance of faith during this time.
114. Breast Cancer at Age 26: Exploring Grief and Gratitude with Tessa Bernier
Tessa shares her experience of two breast cancer diagnosis at age 26 and how it has given her perspective, life experience, and showed her how many ways support can look.
109. Overcoming A Cocaine Addiction and Reinventing Yourself with Mandy Alexis
Mandy Alexis was a functioning cocaine addict for 16 years, now 3 years clean. Her relationship with drugs started way before that though.
86. How To Use Astrology and Your Birth Chart To Understand Difficult Times in Your Life With Haley Comet
Haley shares how understanding astrology transits helped her validate all the hardships in her life and gave her positive upcoming transits to look forward to.
81. Leaving a Unionized Career and Trusting Your Intuition with Genevieve Boivin
After her second maternity leave, Genevieve went back to her full-time unionized job with a bounce in her step. She turned to self-care to find happiness. However, it went downhill from there.
44. Poisoned By Doctors with Kim-Mia Rudiger-Prybylski
Two decades ago, Kim was prescribed the antibiotic Vancomycin for a very common infection while she was 6 months pregnant. This was the beginning of her nightmare as the medication destroyed her microbiome.
36. How Repressed Emotions Lead To Physical Pain with Sarah Black
It all begins with an idea.
34. How To Recognize An Eating Disorder with Estelle Coombe-Heath
Estelle Coombe-Heath shares her journey of disordered binge eating and over exercising. She talks about how this deep rooted issue began at age 12 and one comment from a coach began her self consciousness with her body.
23. Are You Alive? Well Start Acting Like It with Billy Michels
It all begins with an idea.
20. Infertility and Childless Not By Choice with Natascha Hebell
It all begins with an idea.
6. Energetic Magic and How to Create More Flow In Your Life with Carina Reeves
It all begins with an idea.
“I am a big fan of this podcast. It’s refreshing to listen to a podcast that not only provides entertainment, but gives a thoughtful look at many of the issues that a lot of us face throughout our life.”

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Pressures of People Pleasing, Social Media, and Past Trauma with Rachel Anderson
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Breakups, Moving Condos, and What I Want in 2022 with Jenelle Tremblett
A break up and moving condos all in the same month? And right before the holidays? Host, Jenelle Tremblett shares her recent life updates and also everything she's focused on in 2022.
Ending an Engagement with Alyssa Buckley
Alyssa called offer her engagement after years of doubting her own feelings. She believed her feelings were invalid due to living with anxiety. Fast forward a year later, Alyssa is married, but to someone else. What felt like courage to Alyssa as she began her knew life, instead, it was met with a lot of criticism.